
"firefox couldn't load xpcom", reinstalation doesn´t help

2022年1月19日 — If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the Firefox download page, simply remove the folder Firefox in your home directory. http ...

Can yall help me?

2022年2月11日 — An error message about XPCOM missing or about platform version usually happens because of a failed Firefox update that left you with a ...

Firefox always say

2018年8月12日 — This issue would normally be fixed with a clean reinstall that involved deleting the Firefox program folder. (64-bit Firefox) C:-Program ...

Firefox doesn't open. Couldn't load XPCOM

You may have to disable security software temporarily in case the problem persists. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ ...

How to Solve “Firefox Couldn't Load XPCOM”

2023年7月7日 — Solution 1: Run Your Firefox As Administrator; Solution 2: Start Firefox In Safe Mode and Disable Extensions; Solution 3: Reset Your Firefox ...

火狐浏览器打不开,提示couldn't load xpcom.有什么解决 ...

2020年2月5日 — 由于缺少Firefox更新失败,通常会出现有关XPCOM丢失或有关平台版本的错误消息,从而使您在Firefox程序文件夹中混合了旧文件和更新文件。如果安全软件保留 ...


2022年1月19日—IfyoudownloadedandinstalledthebinarypackagefromtheFirefoxdownloadpage,simplyremovethefolderFirefoxinyourhomedirectory.http ...,2022年2月11日—AnerrormessageaboutXPCOMmissingoraboutplatformversionusuallyhappensbecauseofafailedFirefoxupdatethatleftyouwitha ...,2018年8月12日—ThisissuewouldnormallybefixedwithacleanreinstallthatinvolveddeletingtheFirefoxprogramfolder.(64-bitFirefox)C:-...

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具
